Summer time fun without electronics

Summer Time Boredom Is All Right

Well, as it happend I blew up at my children the other day and amazingly fast they figured out how to have their own fun. It was one of those moments when we as parents reach our limit and need to let off some steam (each weekend), I proposed to (shouted at) my two children that maybe it was time to switch off all electronics and go play outside. Like right now!

“Only dull people … Read the rest

Creating Memories As We Go Through Life

“She will never remember life before her brother,” everybody tells me once I begin to allow the guilt of ending your only child years seep in. “To him, it will always have been this way.”

I know they are right, and their assurances provide me comfort in those quiet moments when I feel the rush of guilt stronger than any other emotion I could recognize. However, the fact that you won’t remember our time before … Read the rest

Breaking My Own Parenting Rules For Good Reason

Last week, my husband and I went out for a date night while my parents saw our boys for a couple of hours. It was the first time in quite a while that we had gone out just the two of us though we try to do something without children at least once per month; it often ends up being dinner with another couple, an adult-only wedding or drinks with friends.

As we sat … Read the rest

Did I Become A Helicopter Wife And Mom?

It’s 1:00 PM on a Sunday; I am applying my makeup after a bath when I hear my son’s significant whining downstairs. Yet, in my towel and not interested on running through our mostly curtainless house to make a bottle and haul my overtired child back up the staircase to his room, I choose to wait for a few minutes.

My husband is with him, he can take care of it. I got blush … Read the rest