Summer time fun without electronics

Summer Time Boredom Is All Right

Well, as it happend I blew up at my children the other day and amazingly fast they figured out how to have their own fun. It was one of those moments when we as parents reach our limit and need to let off some steam (each weekend), I proposed to (shouted at) my two children that maybe it was time to switch off all electronics and go play outside. Like right now!

“Only dull people … Read the rest

What Are The Five Senses of Motherhood?

Nobody informed me that parenthood would be so physical. It is like a full-on attack on the soul and the body, each day. It takes its toll, and I am not talking bags under eyes, droopy boobs and the certain additional pounds around the middle.

Five years of lugging an infant, then a toddler, around on hip or my shoulder –have wrecked my neck, vertebrae, and rotator cuff. Pains and aches aside, it occurred to … Read the rest